Roasting and availability

This is not a business. This is an experiment. A way to provide coffee to friends. How it works is simple, we roast some amazing coffee and open the store until the coffee sells out. Once gone, the store will close until we roast again. We will publish the available coffee and upcoming roast schedule here on our website and over on our instagram.

If the dropstore is ever closed and you find yourself in a coffee emergency, don't fret! We will always have a bag of coffee laying around, just reach out. Our goal in roasting is to highlight the inherent sweetness within each coffee and bring out its beautiful and vibrant complexity.

This is just the beginning

This is The Secret Prologue. The beginning, before the beginning. Sneak in early and get a jump start in the race ahead. 'Spro' is the insider club where we get to share beautiful coffees with friends. Our mission is to spread joy and redefine what coffee can be. Welcome to the inner circle.